a cardboard box

10 Tips for Downsizing

January 16, 2024

The start of a new year is a great time to start downsizing. Here are 10 easy tips to begin downsizing.

Start early, start small. The best time to start downsizing is today! The key is to take the plunge and start small. If you start with a drawer or closet, you will feel the excitement of accomplishment and be motivated to continue.

Identify your favorite things. Prepare a list of items that are top priority keepers. Focus on items that are important to you, have sentimental value and can serve a purpose in your new home.

Evaluate carefully. As you determine what to keep, ask yourself three key questions: Do I love it? Does it still fit into my lifestyle? Have I used it in the last 12 months? If you answer “no” to any of these questions, place the item in the donate or discard box.

Sort like items with like items. Be sure you look at your whole collection. For example, collect magazines from throughout your home. Once you see how many of one thing you have, it helps to choose the best and get rid of the rest.

Tell the stories. Telling someone the story of a particular item is one thing that helps us to let go. Take the time to recognize the importance of an item and share the story with someone else. This will help
you give it a new life with someone else.

Plan for donations. Say YES to donations. Research local donation centers that will help you feel good about donating.

Digitize documents. Old tax returns, financial statements, bills and photographs take up a lot of space and weight. Consider converting them into scanned files and digital albums to free up valuable space.

Recycle and toss. The average house clear out generates an actual ton of trash. Contact your local waste and recycling centers to find out drop-off hours and which items they do and don’t accept.

Sort into categories. Use different colored painter’s tape to tag items too big for a box. Most items fall into these categories: Keep, Sell, Donate, Trash. This visual will motivate you to keep making decisions about all of the items in your home.

Honor your commitments. Make downsizing appointments on your calendar and honor those appointments. Downsizing takes a commitment, but the reward is worth the work!

Need help downsizing?

Consider local professional organizers and home concierge services specializing in personalized organization and downsizing solutions. A new product offering, Garden Spot Communities At Your Door offers a range of home organization and concierge services, ensuring a trustworthy and personalized experience.

Visit the website or call 717.936.9154 to start your journey toward a more organized and harmonious home.

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