Dementia Friendly Lancaster Teepa Snow Event – August 21, 2024 & Dementia Workshop August 22, 2024

Teepa Snow

About the presenter:

An Occupational Therapist with more than forty years of rich and varied clinical and academic experience. Her philosophy is reflective of her education, work experience, medical research, and first-hand caregiving experiences. Her advocacy efforts led her to the development of the GEMS® State Model for understanding the progression of dementia and changes in abilities. She also created the Positive Approach to Care® training strategies, which are effective techniques for anyone seeking to optimize care and support for those living with brain change. As the Education Director of Eastern North Carolina’s Alzheimer’s Association, she also helped to create the nation’s award-winning DVD entitled Accepting the Challenge: Providing the Best Care for People with Dementia. Her user-friendly approaches provide guidance and leadership to national efforts to promote best practices in care.

Snow’s company, Positive Approach to Care (PAC), was founded in 2006 and is now collaborating to improve dementia care in over thirty countries worldwide. PAC provides online and in-person services, training, and products to professionals, family members, the lay public, and people living with brain change. Her website,, offers educational video clips, DVDs, books, information on individual certifications, online support groups, virtual and onsite trainings, and a free monthly newsletter.

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Woman smiling with blue shirt and blue and purple background

New this Year! Second Day Dementia Friendly Lancaster Workshop 

Are you looking to gain more information and tools on to aid those in your life living with dementia? The day two workshop is for you! On Thursday, August 22, 2024 at Lancaster Alliance Church there will be a day of workshops for those looking to gain more information and skills for care. This day of events is $29 and it includes lunch. We are still organizing incredible speakers but a few of the speakers we already have include:

  • Panel of Elder Law Attorney’s to answer your legal questions
  • Virtual Dementia Tour (1.5 Nursing Credit Offered)
  • Speakers from Alzheimer’s Association, Lewy Body Dementia Association, Frontal Temporal Association and Vascular Dementia Association
  • Positive Approach To Care Session with a Guide
  • Sales & Marketing for Personal Care & Memory Care

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Wednesday August 21 – MORNING SESSION  8:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Why Do They Do That? Understanding Symptoms and Situations of Dementias

This session is designed to help care partners better understand why people living with dementia may sometimes say or do things that are unexpected and/or challenging. It will focus on understanding the many changes that occur in the brain during the progression of the disease. It will also emphasize the role that the reactions and responses of care partners play in interactions with those living with dementia. This session will help learners develop better communication skills when working with people living with dementia by emphasizing the value of empathetic and supportive communication. Overall, it will help learners understand the factors that contribute to interactions in dementia, and learn ways to improve these interactions using effective verbal and physical skills.

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Wednesday August 21 –

Maintaining Roles and Purpose After a Dementia Diagnosis

This session is designed to help learners understand the recommendations for maintaining physical and mental health as much as possible after a dementia diagnosis. It will emphasize the value of using retained and preserved skills and abilities while acknowledging and compensating for what is no longer working well. Part of the session will foster connecting previous interests and preferences to present circumstances and realities to give the person with dementia opportunities to contribute, feel competent, and stay involved.

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