August Endeavor 2022

August 19, 2022

Endeavor August 2022 from Garden Spot Village on Vimeo.

Written by Sharon Sparkes

This month’s Endeavor shares the story of Garden Spot Village’s Golf micro-community and how they choose to fellowship. How do you endeavor to live with purpose?

Rex Trent moved to Garden Spot Village with his wife Carol in 2017. On Mondays, he can be found at Fox Chase Golf Course with other residents in the Golf micro-community.

While they’re playing, they take the game seriously, always trying to surpass their personal best. However, these golfers don’t take the game too seriously, and welcome new members as most of the group golfs with a high handicap.

The reasons each of them golfs is different. Some do it for their physical fitness. For others, the game is played to enjoy the outdoors. Everyone agrees that the benefit of their overall wellness through fellowship with others is the primary reason they continue to meet at the golf course every Monday.

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