a woman in a hat is standing in a field of flowers

6 Things Not to Do in Retirement

October 17, 2023

Jump To: Isolate Yourself | Stay Inside | Give Up Hobbies | Neglect Activities | Not Try New Things | Become Inactive | Retire At Garden Spot Village

Retirement can be an exciting next part of your life. Developing and maintaining good habits is essential to staying happy, healthy and connected to others. Practicing your favorite hobbies, engaging in physical activity, nurturing relationships, spending time outdoors, and finding purpose can have a significant impact on your retired life. 

6 Things Not to Do in Retirement

Retirement is an excellent time to embrace freedom, new opportunities, beloved hobbies, purpose and connection. Whether you’re planning for retirement or want to improve your retirement experience, avoiding the following unhealthy habits can help you live a fulfilling life:

1. Isolating Yourself

Social connection is important in every stage of life, and retirement provides the perfect opportunity to build and nurture relationships. It’s a time when you can trade work hours and colleagues for fun days spent with friends and family. Enjoying coffee and insightful conversations with new friends or inviting your grandchildren for a visit can significantly boost your mood and quality of life. 

Big and small moments can help you connect with others. Simply getting to know a new neighbor can build your social network, and devoting time to them can help you foster deeper connections. Before you know it, you have a new friend you can call when you need support or invite to a movie on a rainy day.

You can also join special clubs or communities to develop a sense of belonging. Whether you greet your neighbors during your morning stroll or join a micro-community, connecting with those around you lets you enjoy each day to the fullest.

2. Staying Inside All Day

Retirement gives you extra time to enjoy the outdoors. While reading a book in your cozy living room is nice on a rainy day, you should step outside any chance you get. In retirement, you can enjoy all the nice days you formerly had to spend at work. Use this freedom to embrace the beautiful world around you.

Getting outside significantly benefits your brain and body. The first breath of fresh air and soaking in the morning sunshine can invigorate your senses and boost your mood. Being outdoors can reduce stress, improve mental health and provide opportunities for physical activity. Being in green spaces can make you feel happier, so you should surround yourself with greenery whenever you can.

Spending time in the sun with proper sun protection stimulates the skin’s vitamin D production, supporting brain function, bone health and the immune system. You can also relieve muscle tension and reduce your heart rate when you enjoy nature’s beauty, helping you feel better overall.

Choosing the right retirement community can help you spend more time outside. Consider the following ways you can get out of the house and immerse yourself in nature:

3. Giving up Hobbies 

Retirement is the time to dive deeper into your hobbies, not give them up. With no work day holding you back, you can fully embrace your favorite pastimes. 

Whether you want to use your quilting skills to give back to the community or build model trucks for fun, engaging in an exciting hobby can improve your physical and mental well-being. Participating in enjoyable activities can prevent various health conditions, extend your life span, improve your memory and make you feel happier.

Consider engaging in hobbies you enjoyed but had little time for in previous years. You can even think back to childhood and engage in forgotten passions. Perhaps you want to help build a model train layout or pick up a paintbrush again to express yourself through art. No matter what your favorite hobbies are, you can find ways to continue engaging in and sharing them with others during retirement.

4. Neglecting Purposeful Activities

The activities you enjoy can also help you foster your sense of purpose and belonging. Sharing your skills, passion and experiences with your community lets you impact others meaningfully. Purposeful activities are important during retirement because they help increase your social connection and support your mental health. You can nurture a sense of purpose with the following types of activities:

  • Volunteering: Volunteering is an excellent way to give back to the community and connect with others. Find a retirement community offering volunteer opportunities so you can engage in worthwhile service work that interests you.
  • Church involvement: If faith is an important part of your life, consider joining a community church. You can attend services, build meaningful relationships with other believers and participate in outreach efforts.
  • Mission trips: Travel, learn about other cultures and help others on a domestic or international mission trip. Retirement gives you the time and freedom to explore the world and share your compassion for others.
  • Sharing your skills: You can also use your passions and skills, such as art, woodworking, horticulture, beekeeping and music, to impact the world around you. Whether you nurture a community bee colony, inspire youth with an art display, quilt for non-profit organizations, or teach a skill to others, you can give your life experiences incredible purposes.

5. Not Trying New Things

While current passions and old hobbies are fun, trying new things is another excellent way to enjoy retirement. Learning new skills and discovering new pleasures can make you feel happier. New experiences increase brain activity, and learning a new skill can improve memory. 

You can take a metalworking, quilting, woodworking, conservation or computer class to develop new skills. Whether it’s an activity you’ve always wanted to try or a diverse hobby you’ve never heard of, trying something new may lead you to a new passion and purpose.

6. Becoming Inactive

Physical activity is essential in all stages of life. Inactivity increases the risk of mental and physical health conditions, but engaging in physical activity can help prevent the following:

  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Falls and fractures
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Depression

Without a work schedule holding you back, you can enjoy fun physical activity that improves your health. Whether you want to feel better throughout the day or give yourself more years to enjoy your grandchildren, daily exercise is important during retirement. 

A brisk morning walk can help you feel revitalized, and weight training can maintain healthy muscle mass. Even a relaxing swim can boost your mood and physical health. Join a retirement community with plenty of exercise opportunities so you can add it to your daily routine.

Enjoy a Fulfilling Retirement at Garden Spot Village

Avoiding unhealthy habits improves your mental and physical health, and retirement allows you to prioritize positive habits. Garden Spot Village offers a warm, inviting community to build connections and live your best life. 

Our micro-communities are full of passionate individuals and opportunities for new experiences, and the Community Church at Garden Spot Village provides wonderful faith connections. You can also engage in meaningful mission trips and local service work when you join the Garden Spot Village community. 

Garden Spot Village’s wellness center and wellness programs offer fantastic exercise opportunities. Our artful outdoor gardens and parks are peaceful places to enjoy nature and spend time with loved ones, and you can participate in entertaining events throughout the year. Contact us to learn more about the Garden Spot Village community and how you can foster healthy habits in retirement.

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