a group of people standing in front of a vehicle

8 Things To Do in 2024 

December 26, 2023

Written by Natalija Gligorevic

As the new year quickly approaches, it is time to make a list of all the accomplishments you want to achieve in 2024. Try expanding your daily tasks to include activities you have never tried before. Refreshing our lives and daily activities after the new year is sure to lead to a productive twelve months ahead.  

Start a new hobby. With the new year comes the opportunity to learn new things. Think of something you have always wanted to try, but never have—perhaps knitting, skiing, playing instruments. Focus on not limiting yourself in 2024. If there is something you want to try—try it! In Lancaster, there are many gateways to involving yourself in new hobbies. For aspiring artists, the Garden Spot Village Art Guild welcomes you with a variety of beginner art classes. Don’t be afraid to expand your interests this upcoming year! 

Become a mentor. Do you have a passion that you want to relay onto a young person? Do you want to become a role model in your line of work? A great way to advance fulfillment in your career and personal life this new year is to start a mentoring relationship. It is a mutually beneficial situation where both the mentor and mentee experience an increased sense of self-confidence and leadership skill development. Reaching out to your community can help you achieve this; connect with local schools, churches, and organizations that have an abundance of knowledge-seeking youth. 

Make a bucket list. Just because you have made one list of goals for the new year, doesn’t mean you should stop. Continue to make lists of things you want to accomplish, and it will be easier to obtain. Bucket lists contain several often fun, exciting activities to try and complete by the end of the year. They are personal, reserved just for you. If you can’t make one, find one online—there are plenty of summer bucket list ideas within Lancaster County

Reconnect with old friends. Although people think New Year’s is all about looking toward the future, reminiscing on the past is perfectly okay, too. Reflect on the past year. Do you have any friends you wish you had kept in touch with more? The new year is a perfect time to reach out and share your desire to reconnect! The thought of rekindling that friendship will overcome all the anxiety when it comes down to it.  

Begin to explore retirement living at Garden Spot Village. If you are in a position in life where retirement is approaching fast, it is time to start looking at the best housing options for you. Garden Spot Village offers the opportunity for residents to live with community and purpose. With its plethora of micro-communities, there is something for everyone here. Get to know our community by taking a tour of the different facilities. Here, everyone is welcome. 

Volunteer. A good goal to set for yourself after January 1 is to involve yourself in the community. Each individual has their own role within the community, and fulfilling yours this year can bring a sense of satisfaction moving forward. Volunteering has been shown to combat depression, increase happiness, advance careers, and provide a sense of purpose. It is time to take advantage of these benefits this year; research local places near you that need help, or click here to digitally match yourself to a volunteering organization near you.  

Travel to somewhere you have never been before. Travelling is important. It can refresh the mind and body, and it can give you unforgettable experiences that last for a lifetime. Making memories is important, and this year, you should prioritize it. The Travel with Purpose team at Garden Spot Village has traveled to places as far as Nairobi, Kenya on missions trips throughout the year. Experiencing diverse culture and people, the group of Garden Spot residents and staff always come back feeling accomplished.  

Declutter your home. A great way to start the new year is by organizing your living space. Decluttering can feel like a fresh start, one that can motivate you through the following months. Cleaning and decluttering boosts mood, sharpens focus, energizes you to be productive, and relieves anxiety. It is a perfect stress-reliever as you are preparing for all the duties to be done in the new year.   

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